For my CSA 15mm scifi army, i has been searching for some heavy armour to backup my PBI (Poor Bloody Infantry) as i envisioned CSA as heavily tech advanced army i needed some hover or grav vehicles, i look through various sellers as finaly ended at US company named Combat Wombat. the owner of company Scott is very nice guy to deal with, even he write he is to busy( working on something) and it will take some time, he found time and within week and sended my goodies.
Today those beasts arrived in CSA they are Called MGBT Cereberus - heavy grav tanks equipped with Railgun cannon and other defense systems, but enough about CSA lets take a look at model
The model itself is consisting of three parts, main hull, turret and main gun. they are made of heavy duty resin which is very strong and not prone to break, it is similiar to material that Old crow use - maybe the same.
what i consider as minus there is no turret ring, so you have two option either glue turrets on hull or use magnets. there were also some sanding needed but nothing too serious.
You can see assembled tank above. The tank itself is really big, so it can be used as near-future MBT or any scifi combat tank, if you look through Tomorrow´s war rulebook you can find these vehicles on various pages marked as Brazilian grav tanks. another great plus is price you can buy one vehicle or pack of three but either way it is cheap.
You can check Combat Wombat page for more vehicles, from tracked to grav , some European styled vehicles to more Eastern style vehicles and more.
here is some scale comparsions, on first picture you see UNSC heavy weapons team with Heavy Grav on rest is Allied tanks (Stuart and Sherman with Grav tank)
úterý 25. února 2014
pátek 21. února 2014
Recenze Bolt-Action
Bolt-Action je hrou z dílen firmy Warlord games proslavené především historickým wargamingem. Bolt-Action (dále jen BA) nás zavede na bojiště druhé světové války a to v měřítku 28mm, a to nejen na bojiště v Evropě ale i v Pacifiku či Africe. za pravidly stojí relativně velká jména jako je Rick Priestley a Alessio Cavatore (spolu vytvařeli mimo jiné hry LOTR a Warmaster)
Je třeba říct že tato hra není konkurence Flames of war obě hry mají jiné měřítko jak miniatur tak i jak velkou bitvu představují. Zatímco FoW představuje boje posílených rot BA se zaměřuje na hrdinské činy jednotlivých družstev pěchoty a většina her nebude větší než několik družstev pár vozidel (většinou 2-3) a podpůrných zbraní. Obě hry určitě zaslouží pozornost a osobně si myslím že BA má silný potencial.
Aktivace jednotek
Začneme tím jak se vlastně BA hraje, čimž se dostaváme k zajímavému a jistě diskutabilnímu systému aktivace jednotek. Narozdíl od ostatních her zde není hod na iniciativu který nahrazuje tzv.Dice cup - jedná se o krabičku,hrneček ve které jsou tzv. Order dice - jedná se o šestistěnné kostky na kterých jsou vyobrazeny akce které mohou vaše jednotky (družstva,vozidla) vykonat. počet těchto kostek je stejný jako počet vašich jednotek (Každý hráč má k dispozici jinou barvu). Dice cup je na začatku kola "zamíchán" a vytahne se kostka a ta se dá hrači kterému patří a ten muže aktivovat libovolnou akci. pokud ovšem jednotka pod těžkou palbou (má minimalně jeden status pinned) musí podstoupit "Order check" pokud uspěje muže akci provést pokud ne nemuže dokonce kola dělat nic, samozřejmně místo akce se mužete pokus družstvo seskupit a zbavit ho pinned statusu. pokud ovšem při hodu padnou dvě šestky stane se FUBAR jednotka ztratí nervy a podle následného hody pak uteče z dané pozice nebo omylem si splete zpřátelenou jednotku za nepřítele a zahají na ní palbu.
po aktivaci této jednotky se vytahne další kostka a tak se pokračuje až dokud nejsou všechny jednotky na stole aktivovany. tento systém samozřejmně náhráva kooperačním hrám kdy se na obou stranách sejde více hráču.
Dakka Dakka
Samozřejmně stejně jako v každé Wargame i zde dojde na střelbu i boj zblízka. Vyhodnocení střelby je velice jednoduché - nejprve hráč vyhlasí střelbu, cíl pokud nebyl ještě aktivován muže vyhlasti akci "down" a vojaci zalehnou, sice jednotka nemuže vykonat žádnou jinou akci ale nepřitel dostane postih na zásah. každá zbraň má kromě dostřelu (range) také attribut shoots který určuje počet kostek při útoku zatímco voják vyzbrojený puškou hazí 1 kostkou, voják vyzbrojený samopalem hazí kostky 4. hráč který střílí pak hazí počty kostek za své zbraně a jeho cílové číslo je 3 , které však mužou změnit různé modifikatory (například vzdálenost,kryt,počet pin markerů umístěných na střílející jednotce) po té nasleduje hod na poškození zatím co zranit pěchotu či neobrněné cíle je možné i pěchotními zbraněmi zničit tank nebo jiné obrněné jednotky nelze. pokud je obrněné vozidlo zasaženo a poškozeno hazí se na tabulce co se sním stalo muže být imobilizovano,zničeno, otřesená posádka atp.
Steč neboli Assault probíha velice podobně ale stejně jako při střelbě pokud utočník vyhlasí charge pokud je dál jak 6" od cílové jednotky a ta nebyla aktivovana muže tato jednotka vyhlasit střelbu a pokusit se nepřítele zneškodnit dříve než zautočí. pokud se však modely útočníka dostanou do kontaktu začíná boj zblízka. nejprve útočník hází jednou kostkou za každý model v jednotce na poškození (všechny zásahy jsou automatické) poté obránce odstraní ztráty, pokud mu přežili modely v jednotce útočí zpět. jednotka která utrpěla větší ztráty je automaticky zničena. pokud dojde k remíze boj začíná nanovo.
Každá jednotka má své hodnocení zkušenosti - inexperienced,regular,veteran které nejen že určuje jak velkou mají morálku ale také jak těžké je jim způsobit poškození (např. pěchotu inexperienced zničite na 3+ ale veterány až na 5+) morálku také snižují pin markery každý pin marker dává snižuje morálku o jedna. a co že jsou ty Pin markery? pokaždé kdy obdrží jednotka jeden nebo více zásahů získáva jeden pin marker který snižuje jejich boj schopnost, pokud obdrží počet pin markerů jako je její morálka jednotka ztratí vůli bojovat a je rozprašena, její vojáci se vzdají nebo se rozprchnou. Pokud během střelby padne více jak polovina jednotky musí složit morale test cílem je hodit stejně nebo meně než je současná morálka jednotky, pokud tento test nesloží je jednotka taktéž rozprašena
To ostatní
Samozřejmně nebyla by to druhá světová válka kdyby hrači neměli k dispozici leteckou
podporu,dělostřelectvo, zdravotníky,těžké zbraně, protitankové kanóny, samozřejmostí jsou pravidla pro boje v budovách, kouřovou munici.
ve hře je obsaženo šest základních které zaručí neomezenou zábavu ale také skvěle vyvažení na připadných turnajích.
Velmi zajímavou sekci tvoří tvorba armády která vám poskytne velkou svobodu ve tvorbě jednotek a umožní vám postavit velice zajímavé armády. V základních pravidlech vám nabídne 4 základní armády pro Late war od Normandie až po pád Berlína. jsou to USA, Britský Commonwealth, Sovětský svaz a samozřejmně Německo. Různá rozšíření která pro hru vyšla vám umožní také nasadit Americkou Námořní pěchotu či Japonské císařské vojisko nebo například jednotky v Africe, možností je prakticky neomezeně. navíc každá strana konfliktu má pár specialních pravidel navíc, zatím co americká pěchota pohybovat se a střílet bez postihů,Němci mají vykonější kulomety a Rusové třeba jedno družstvo zdarma
Dle mého názoru má BA velkou budoucnost a je třeba opět říct že tato hra nabízí unikatní zažitek z bojišt 2.světové války diametrálně uplně jiný než Flames of war a myslím že stojí za vyzkoušení.
Pokud vás tento članek zaujal určitě bude naštivte tyto stránky obsahují forum,různé recenze a battlereporty této hry
čtvrtek 20. února 2014
Colonial Systems Alliance little update
I painted more stuff and some other things, drones , GPMGs, another IFV and few troops are awaiting paint. but i was thinking about some Gruntz 1.1 games so i taked photos in terrain and voila the photos look much better. Speaking of, English Gruntz 1.1 review comming soon. but here enjoy Photos
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Regular Marines |
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Force Leader |
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Tank Destroyer |
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Phallanx IFV |
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Raptor Commandos |
úterý 18. února 2014
Themes: Alien Invasion
For thousand of years mankind has stared at the stars in awe and wonder. After today, we we´ll wish we were blind - Universe at War: Earth Assault
Alien invaders has dominated Sci-fi since the ages of War of the Worlds. There are many variants of this classic theme from post-invasion theme featured in Falling skies, to humanity desperate fight againts invaders in first days of they arrival featured in movies ID4 or Battle:Los Angeles. You could also played prolonged specops campaing based on UFO:Enemy Unknown or fan-novel X-Com:Unknown Menace. lets look how to game into this Theme.
Under Siege
This could mean only one thing. Invasion. -Star wars Episode 1
First important thing is say when your invasion will happen - you can easily play original War of the Worlds in late 19 century or even between or after World Wars, but i think most typical setting will be modern day invasion.the option is even viable in near or far future where first contact can get bloody.
Human forces will be always easy, no scifi gear (Unless your are playing scifi background say 2020+)
classic Orbats and vehicles to support your army should be again modern machines. So basicly if you want play Battle: LA scenario you will propably field modern day United States Marines which could be backed up by modern vehicles like M1A2 Abrams, HMMWVs, Cobra or other tech that US uses today.
As always designing Aliens can be tricky, because when you design them you must first ask few question about who they are. first thing you need to figure out is how they armies are organised they can be Coalition of many races (or perhaps they have robotic slaves) or Single powerfull race, and how advanced they are? they can have space or transdimensional travel but that doesnt mean they are advanced in weapons and other tech like we are (i dont think many space races will have book like we do - Art of war). and lastly what are they motives? Perhaps they travel too long to colonize Earth and only found us here, they dont have resources so invasion is last resort (this is decipted in Defience Series), or they can particular want some Earth resources or they just power hungry race enslaving "lower races and so on this is particulary necessary when you are playing campaing when some scenarios will be enforced by their motives.
As again we don´t need to talk about human miniatures because as always you will use some of manufactures for particular timeline. but aliens is different beast - you can have any that you can want - typical Grey Reticulans, but even some more exotic aliens like Kra´vak, Crusties or some Micropanzer aliens there are lots of aliens and you could check blog Dropship horizon for more info how and where to get them.
Other Ideas
About 11 years ago my friend which is game designer came up with idea which he called reversed invasion. The game was never released but basicly was top down fighter-shooter but that doesnt play role here. The game backstory was about that hightech humanity are invading planet of less devoleped aliens, they want their planet,resources and their lives, beign humans that evil but propaganda doesnt say you are bad right?
I think Alien Invasion theme is what i want see in gaming - i have played two such games (using Games-workshop and Forge world Tau Battlesuits/Stealthsuits againts modern day americans in 20mm) first played on sandbox based in Afghanistan and second one was TW demo (1st Edition) based in some European city - what is great about facing hightech foe is atmosphere if you are playing as human one wrong move and you are dust, be prepeared to be beaten many times - but when you achive just one victory you will se how it raise your spirit. It is shame such games are seen more often.
I hope another part of Themes series will help you are get few ideas for gaming any comments of suggestions i will welcome.
Note i found two photos of sandbox game enjoy although you will propably see nothin
Alien invaders has dominated Sci-fi since the ages of War of the Worlds. There are many variants of this classic theme from post-invasion theme featured in Falling skies, to humanity desperate fight againts invaders in first days of they arrival featured in movies ID4 or Battle:Los Angeles. You could also played prolonged specops campaing based on UFO:Enemy Unknown or fan-novel X-Com:Unknown Menace. lets look how to game into this Theme.
Under Siege
This could mean only one thing. Invasion. -Star wars Episode 1
First important thing is say when your invasion will happen - you can easily play original War of the Worlds in late 19 century or even between or after World Wars, but i think most typical setting will be modern day invasion.the option is even viable in near or far future where first contact can get bloody.
Human forces will be always easy, no scifi gear (Unless your are playing scifi background say 2020+)
classic Orbats and vehicles to support your army should be again modern machines. So basicly if you want play Battle: LA scenario you will propably field modern day United States Marines which could be backed up by modern vehicles like M1A2 Abrams, HMMWVs, Cobra or other tech that US uses today.
As always designing Aliens can be tricky, because when you design them you must first ask few question about who they are. first thing you need to figure out is how they armies are organised they can be Coalition of many races (or perhaps they have robotic slaves) or Single powerfull race, and how advanced they are? they can have space or transdimensional travel but that doesnt mean they are advanced in weapons and other tech like we are (i dont think many space races will have book like we do - Art of war). and lastly what are they motives? Perhaps they travel too long to colonize Earth and only found us here, they dont have resources so invasion is last resort (this is decipted in Defience Series), or they can particular want some Earth resources or they just power hungry race enslaving "lower races and so on this is particulary necessary when you are playing campaing when some scenarios will be enforced by their motives.
As again we don´t need to talk about human miniatures because as always you will use some of manufactures for particular timeline. but aliens is different beast - you can have any that you can want - typical Grey Reticulans, but even some more exotic aliens like Kra´vak, Crusties or some Micropanzer aliens there are lots of aliens and you could check blog Dropship horizon for more info how and where to get them.
Other Ideas
About 11 years ago my friend which is game designer came up with idea which he called reversed invasion. The game was never released but basicly was top down fighter-shooter but that doesnt play role here. The game backstory was about that hightech humanity are invading planet of less devoleped aliens, they want their planet,resources and their lives, beign humans that evil but propaganda doesnt say you are bad right?

I hope another part of Themes series will help you are get few ideas for gaming any comments of suggestions i will welcome.
Note i found two photos of sandbox game enjoy although you will propably see nothin
pondělí 17. února 2014
Another part of my CSA 15mm scifi force
few days i have been working on my force for Tomorrow´s war game. i have now two fully painted standart squads, MGS, sniper team, commando/recon team and big IFV. since there are lots of thing for my force on way i need paint rest quickly (namely ATGW Teams, second sniper team, Heavy weapons (some energy GPMGs and RAMs) another IFV and few grunts. here it is why i have new in my force
Commando Team Raptor
Tank Hunter
Sniper Team
IFV Phallanx
I also started working on Hind Commander minis to get some serious gaming they ment to be Isreali Apaches but camo didnt turn out how i planned but it is 3mm so no big deal
Spellcross last battle in15mm
Once upon time there was great czech turn based strategy game called Spellcross:The last battle. Aside from never forgeting atmosphere and great gameplay most importatly the back story. Sometime ago i mentioned as great backstory for any 15mm gamesystem. In game they were two sides - Alliance of human nations - Modern armies with tanks and ai and arty support backed up lately with some scifi tech and the Other side - fantasy armies with orks, deamons, and all that fantasy stuff everyone want.
In backstory the Otherside vast armies came through "portals" and quickly defeated defenders - Alliance
forces - humanity is losing war, so best commanders and troops must turn tide of war or human will perish forever.
Basicly any ruleset (Gruntz, TW, Fireteam Andromeda, Platoon Leader etc.) can support this setting as long as they can create close combat units. personaly i would prefer Gruntz or TW but other ones will do also.
I think due creation freedom i would run this type of setting in Tomorrow war.
Sides and Units
For Alliance you can use any type of modern miniatures you want ranging from Rebel,QRF to Khurasan. In original game player have access to Light infantry (typical standart bog infantry), Heavy infantry (think of support infantry armed with heavy machineguns and missle launchers, Rangers (not namely only rangers but also other elite light infantry units equipped to deal with enemy infantry), Commandos - best of best.
there were also other specialised units like Mobile infantry - yes like those from Starship troopers book, Paranormal infantry (Psykers) and heavy support weapon teams like flamers or mortars.
Vehicle wise , Alliance used lots of modern vehicles including M1 Abrams,M113 or Mi-24 hind but basicly any modern vehicles will do, there were few scifi vehicles which you can take from any Near-future miniature line - i would use Khurusan Federal medium tank (tracked)
Otherside well any fantasy line will work there are lots of manufactures who can suffice your needs - Splinterlight miniatures,, Magister militium, Khurasan miniatures and many more. your basic block will be lots of Orks, wolf riders and other fantasy stuff any one can whisper away. In game you faced Orks, Ka-Orks(up-armoured version of Orks), Fallen angels,various deamons, harpies, gargoyles, Balistas, Undead, various spellcasters, Steampunk style machines (mechanical Mammoth and others)
The Spellcross seting have great potential for games, modeling terrain building and if you play also fantasy put those model into scifi gaming so what you waiting for? Humanity needs YOU!

forces - humanity is losing war, so best commanders and troops must turn tide of war or human will perish forever.
Basicly any ruleset (Gruntz, TW, Fireteam Andromeda, Platoon Leader etc.) can support this setting as long as they can create close combat units. personaly i would prefer Gruntz or TW but other ones will do also.
I think due creation freedom i would run this type of setting in Tomorrow war.
Sides and Units
For Alliance you can use any type of modern miniatures you want ranging from Rebel,QRF to Khurasan. In original game player have access to Light infantry (typical standart bog infantry), Heavy infantry (think of support infantry armed with heavy machineguns and missle launchers, Rangers (not namely only rangers but also other elite light infantry units equipped to deal with enemy infantry), Commandos - best of best.
there were also other specialised units like Mobile infantry - yes like those from Starship troopers book, Paranormal infantry (Psykers) and heavy support weapon teams like flamers or mortars.
Vehicle wise , Alliance used lots of modern vehicles including M1 Abrams,M113 or Mi-24 hind but basicly any modern vehicles will do, there were few scifi vehicles which you can take from any Near-future miniature line - i would use Khurusan Federal medium tank (tracked)
Otherside well any fantasy line will work there are lots of manufactures who can suffice your needs - Splinterlight miniatures,, Magister militium, Khurasan miniatures and many more. your basic block will be lots of Orks, wolf riders and other fantasy stuff any one can whisper away. In game you faced Orks, Ka-Orks(up-armoured version of Orks), Fallen angels,various deamons, harpies, gargoyles, Balistas, Undead, various spellcasters, Steampunk style machines (mechanical Mammoth and others)
The Spellcross seting have great potential for games, modeling terrain building and if you play also fantasy put those model into scifi gaming so what you waiting for? Humanity needs YOU!
úterý 11. února 2014
Scifi 15mm

strike groups and small armies in other scales - Infinity, Dirtside II, Epic or Hind commander to name few)
When i was actively playing Warhammer 40k i played mostly Tau and Imperial guard forces, where i loved the write up background for armies, worlds we fought on and campaings.
Then i conviced my friend to start 15mm that was main argument that we could build up forces we want not be restricted by armylist our authors background and best is ofcourse choice of many miniature line from various vendors.
Well as said the best thing on systems in 15mm scale (atleast Scifi) is that you aren´t tied to particular setting allthough they ussualy have their own worlds and settings to fit your games but you aren´t forced to use them.
Inspiration for your games can be drawn from many sources - Movies, Books and even other wargames or console/pc games. You can play Colonial Marines fighting Xenomorphs on Acheron, Recreating battles againts Kaffers from Twilight 2300, Defending Earth againts Invaders Onslaught or Leading Hammer´s Slammers into the battle on some unknown colony. You can also take inspiration from our history it is full of military conflicts - it only need to be scified up. or take path in Alternative history like Weird War 2 setting
In 15mm scale there is lot of different model lines ranging from Infantry,drones and various bots to walkers,tanks and other vehicles. The largest represantion have human forces from mid-tech (Colonial Marines from Movie Aliens is good example) to very hightech forces (for example troopers from Starship troopers book) of course you can find also Alien forces which also range from gun-powder age style aliens to very hightech forces or your typical swarm type aliens. of course for these troopers you will find many many types of vehicles to choose from, from whelled to grav, from jeeps to super-heavy tanks, from small walkers to the large walking robotic wolves and from human style tank to the alien centipede.
There is also always option to use other sources for your miniatures - you can use 10mm Mechs and some vehicles as smaller vehicles (good example is Gears from Heavy Gear arena/blitz! game as smaller Armoured fighting suits) or use die-cast cars from matchbox or other manufacturer as your vehicles.
In 15mm scale there is lot of different model lines ranging from Infantry,drones and various bots to walkers,tanks and other vehicles. The largest represantion have human forces from mid-tech (Colonial Marines from Movie Aliens is good example) to very hightech forces (for example troopers from Starship troopers book) of course you can find also Alien forces which also range from gun-powder age style aliens to very hightech forces or your typical swarm type aliens. of course for these troopers you will find many many types of vehicles to choose from, from whelled to grav, from jeeps to super-heavy tanks, from small walkers to the large walking robotic wolves and from human style tank to the alien centipede.
There is also always option to use other sources for your miniatures - you can use 10mm Mechs and some vehicles as smaller vehicles (good example is Gears from Heavy Gear arena/blitz! game as smaller Armoured fighting suits) or use die-cast cars from matchbox or other manufacturer as your vehicles.
another great thing about 15mm Sci-fi you arent tied to single type rules, it all depends how sofisticated or Movie-like experience you want. If you want a "simulation" of scifi combat you should try games like Quadrant 13, Tommorow war or Strike Legion Platoon Leader on other side if you want more beer and pretzels games you can try Gruntz, Critical Mass Games or Fireteam Andromeda.
Speaking for me 15mm scifi is very good way to go, it gave you lots of hobby opportunities -unique terrains, painting nice camoflage schemes on your troops and vehicles and so on. lots of gaming oppurtunities refighting battles from your books,movies or games.
Speaking for me 15mm scifi is very good way to go, it gave you lots of hobby opportunities -unique terrains, painting nice camoflage schemes on your troops and vehicles and so on. lots of gaming oppurtunities refighting battles from your books,movies or games.
sobota 8. února 2014
Mad mecha terrain review
About Mad Mecha Guy
MMG is one person studio which specialises in MDF laser cut terrain, almost everything you need for near future Scifi is at his site, from Carpark, shops, warehouses even to bunkers or watch towers. you can checkout his stuff here
Most of MMG stuff is in 15mm scale (some products are availible in 28mm). what is more frustrating is
ordering since i like few clicks and go to checkout, mailing orders isnt my cup of tea - but it is worth every word i wrote to MMG.
I order set of 4 10x10 shops with flat roofs and one pack of containers for about 20 pounds including postage is one of the cheapest way how to obtain terrain (if you exclude scratchbuilding). Have reviewed Spartan Games MDF terrain some time ago i was worried about quality of cutting or even designing mistakes, but when i opened box i was more than impressed - easy to assemble, nicely detailed few options how to build it shops. on other hand the containers are nice perfect they can be closed as well as opened to create cover and alternative routes for your troops excelent. However building containers is little pain but after few it is okay, and the frame which hold "Walls" of containers can be damaged by post or if you are not careful.
If you look on quality it is perfect, no damaged pieces or not cut enough or bad pieces everything is checked before sending to customer.
for everyone out there who need Urban terrain MMG had everything ranging from roads to the hospital buildings go check it out. for me i would be getting more of them
MMG is one person studio which specialises in MDF laser cut terrain, almost everything you need for near future Scifi is at his site, from Carpark, shops, warehouses even to bunkers or watch towers. you can checkout his stuff here
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GZG UNSC Light infantry in scale with one of the shops |
Most of MMG stuff is in 15mm scale (some products are availible in 28mm). what is more frustrating is
ordering since i like few clicks and go to checkout, mailing orders isnt my cup of tea - but it is worth every word i wrote to MMG.
I order set of 4 10x10 shops with flat roofs and one pack of containers for about 20 pounds including postage is one of the cheapest way how to obtain terrain (if you exclude scratchbuilding). Have reviewed Spartan Games MDF terrain some time ago i was worried about quality of cutting or even designing mistakes, but when i opened box i was more than impressed - easy to assemble, nicely detailed few options how to build it shops. on other hand the containers are nice perfect they can be closed as well as opened to create cover and alternative routes for your troops excelent. However building containers is little pain but after few it is okay, and the frame which hold "Walls" of containers can be damaged by post or if you are not careful.
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If you want you have option to not glue roof and have place for some CQB |
If you look on quality it is perfect, no damaged pieces or not cut enough or bad pieces everything is checked before sending to customer.
for everyone out there who need Urban terrain MMG had everything ranging from roads to the hospital buildings go check it out. for me i would be getting more of them
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Conteiners can create deadly maze for infantry |
neděle 2. února 2014
Battle tech Alpha Strike

Battletech herní svět který se vyvíjí již 25let, obdivovaný celé generace jak hrači konzolí a PC tak i
wargamery. V poslední době byl svět obnoven firmou Cataclyst games která vydala novou edici hry Battletech a pravě recenzovaný Alpha Strike, v digitalním světě zase herní svět objevil díky hře Mechwarrior Online.
Součastí Battletechů byli vždy MECHové (nebo OBŘi jak se nazývali v české lokalizaci Battletechu) mnoha tunové obří kolosy které svadějí bitvy v daléké budoucnosti, kromě nich samozřejmně se na bojíštích stale objevují pěšáci ale i tanky, transportéry a další "obyčejné prostředky"
Co se týče fluffu Alpha Strike se odehrává v období Klanových válek přibližně (3050-55) z klanů jsou zde zastoupeny Klany Jade Falcon a Wolf. na straně velkých rodů se objeví Liao,Davion, Marik, Steiner a Kurita.
První úder
Alpha Strike je evolucí Battletechu do světa moderního wargamingu, pryč jsou hexové mapy a obří karty s
různymi podsystémy a hitpointy. Celý systém byl zjednodušen což přivedlo Battletech zpět do 21.století. místo obřích "karet" Mechů se používají jednoduché a elegantní stat karty.

Samotný herní systém je rychlý ale zaroveň umožnuje dostatek strategie a taktiky podobně jako originalní Battletech. herní kolo je rozděleno do tří fází - iniciativní , pohybová a nakonec bojová a nakonec následuje konec kola kde se vyhodnocují jestli scénař skončil, Heat a další faktory.
Během pohybové fáze se hráči střídají v pohybu jednotlivých jednotek, přičemž začína ten který iniciativu prohrál - tedy hodil meně. zajímavostí je že jednotky se vždy musí pohnout (pokud nejsou imobilizované) alespoň o 2 palce během bojové fáze používají hrači své zbraňové systemy k eliminaci nepřátel. k vyhodnocení zdali byl cíl zasažen používá model svůj attribut skill k němu přičte modifikatory dle tabulky to-hit (vzdálenost, kryt atp.) a proti tomuto číslu hazí 2D6 v připadě že padne stejné nebo vyšší číslo je cíl zasažen. nyní se aplikuje poškození které je pevně dané hodnotami Damage value pro danou vzdálenost. hráč ovladající cíl zaškrtne počet políček armouru dle daného poškození.pokud jsou všechny políčka armoru odstraněna pokračuje se v poličkách structure (v připadě jakéhokoliv útoku který poškodí strukturu se hazí critical damage roll) pokud jsou všechny odstraněny je cíl zničen. duležitá je poznámka že veškeré poškození se aplikuje na konci kola takže všichni Mechové se dostanou ke slovu. také hráči nestřídají po jednotkách během bojové fáze ale všechny jednotky jednají najednou - napřed střílí jednotky hráče který prohral iniciativu.
Herní systém je pak rozšířen pravidly pro vzdušné údery a různé podsystémy , dělostřeleckou palbu a
všechno to co najdete i v klasickém Battletechu - zde jenom v mnohém rychlejším a větším měřítku.
Samozřejmně officialní miniatury jsou od americké firmy Iron-wind ale někteří hrači používají clixové miniatury z neuspěšné hry Mechwarrior:Dark Age protože jsou mnohém levnější - větší a předbarvené. k hledaní určitých Mechů však musíte prolézat internet
Pokud vás Battletech vždy lákal ale přišel vám přiliš "těžký" Alpha Strike by mohl být zajímavou možností pro vás.
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