středa 30. března 2016
Recenze Mobile Frame Zero
MFZ je zajímavý wargamingový počin, na rozdíl od mnohých ostatních her se nespoléha na rozmanite range miniatur či vlastních modelových řad se spoléha na staré dobré LEGO. Z toho si hrači postaví nejen terén ale i své modely v připadě této hry "Framy"
Frame je v teto hře výraz pro různé Mechy,Geary a podobné konstrukty ty svadí na bitevním poly bitvu a tzv. Stationy, kdo je obránce a útočník se mění každým kolem a díky systému Doomsday clock nikdy nevíte kdy hra skončí protože nejen že se tyto "hodiny" snižují samy každé kolo snižují o 1 každý hrač na konci kola muže také snižit o 1 další bod.
Jak už bylo řečeno každý hráč má k dispozici několik stations, což je obdoba objectivu znamých z různých jiných her. ale obsazovat je muže pouze hráč který je momentalně útočník. Za ničení nepřatelských Framu a obsazovaní Stationů získavate body, kdo má nejvíce bodů je obránce a protivník nebo zbylí hrači ( ano díky hernímu systému je hra vhodná i pro více hráču na jednom stole) jsou utočnici.
Hra využívá střidavou aktivaci po Framech. pořadí hraču se řídí opět podle skore jako první aktivuje frame ten kdo má nejvíce bodů a poté se aktivují hrači podle pořadí skore až k tomu nejnižšímu.
Když je Frame aktivovan postupuje podle několika kroků napřed hráč zvolí cíl útoku Framu - to muže být nepřátelský Frame ale také kus terénu, nebo pokud nechce nebo nemuže utočit nemusí zvolit žadnýc cíl. Poté hodí své kostky - každý frame má k dispozic dvě kostky které muže použit do libovolných atributu a kostky za systémy. dalším krokem je hození kostek na obranu - to je hodnota kterou použivate k obraně proti nepřátelským útokům. Poté Frame zautočí se a pohne nebo naopak. Frame se pohne o vzdalenost která padla na kostkách přiřazených k pohybu. při útoku pak hazíte kostky proti obraně nepřatelského Framu - pokud nebyla hodnota ještě přiřazena frame svou aktivaci dočasně ukončí a při aktivaci cílového framu až bude přiřazena jeho obrana. pak následuje hod na spotting což jsou kostky navíc při útoku v dalším kole.
Stavba armády probíha velice zajímavě narozdíl od ostatních her nejsou zde body ale vaše "rota" je složena 3-8 framu podle velikosti hry kterou hrajete. ale průměrně se hraje 4-6 Framu. a hrač si tento počet vybírá mužete složit eskadru plně vyzbrojených 6 Framu ale musíte počítat s tím že pokud váš protivník nasadí huře vyzbrojenou rotu dostane body navíc což vás staví už hned nazačatku do nepříjemné pozice. Vaše Framy pak mužete osadit různými systemy (až 4, max 2 ve stejné kategorii) které kromě kostek do daného attributu přidá i nějakou specialní vlastnost - napřiklad možnost přeskakovat terén, větší poškození během střelby, atd.
Další vyhodou Mobile Frame Zero je to že je zcela zdarma, pravidla lze stahnout zde.
Minimalní náklady na terén a "jednotky" jsou také plus pokud vlastníte lego nebo podobné stavebnice. ve hře nejsou sloužitá pravidla takže lze vysvětlit prakticky komukoliv během chvíle hra je dynamická a zabávna a je to dobrý vstupní bod pro lidi kteří s wargamingem začínají ale i pro ostřílené veterány.
Kromě MFZ existuje i varianta pro vesmírné souboje Intercept Orbit ale ta je zatím ve vývoji
pondělí 21. března 2016
5150 Fighter Command - Operation Blackburn campaing mission one: Hornet nest
I finished most of my fleetscale fighters for Thr´engi wars 5150:Fighter Command if you following my blog for sometime you know i am played campaing set into this "universe" sometime ago end result was total destruction of player squardron - Pumas and shortly afterwards even their homecarrier.
To regain situation Terran command order to start Operation Blackburn sending battlegroup into the area and deal with Thr´engi threat. You will be following story of young 1st Lt. Sean Cedric "Archangel" and his wingmen Tori "Spectre" Sanders.
Since start of operation ANS Gettysburg launched various patrols but without any activity but that is soon to begun change.
The Mission started as rutine patrol, with PEF in sector 4.4 and 2 and Patrol nav points in sector 2,4,6 so far it should be cakewalk. At start of game PEF (2 and 4) moves 4" forward. Alliance Flight moved little forward but PEF tried to bunch up so Archangel decided they will break right and try to outrun them.
Got multiple readings!
Roger that, i see em we will break right and if we are lucky we can outrun them complete mission and RTB!
Changing course......
First PEF was resovolved as ghost siginal with good intel, but second was flight of Remora fighters and patrol run into 3rd PEF which was Manta interceptors. The Patrol Launched 2 FF missles first almost hit enemy flight patrol leader but he managed to launch decoy but still his engines was damaged. However 2nd Fighter targeted by Spectre hit it mark with full efect, the cockpit was annihilated by strike, which even the odds.
The Archangel and Spectre moves in to engage Squid patrol and separeted the flight so they can engage them one by one, Archangel opened up on fighter destroying his guns and engines which ruptured into one big plasmaball.
The Remaing squid decided to make stand instead of running, there was also no point the Alliance fighters are faster and they will catch him and shoot him down. He launched both his FF missles on Archangel but luckily Archangel launch his decoys and evades both missles.
Archangel again engaged enemy fighter in deadly combat, performing high-energy yo-yo he end up at the side of manta and engaged him with his mass drivers ripping him appart.
Real smooth kill there, Archangel!
Yeah lets pop up those bombers and...
New contacts! bearing 232/74 they are right behind us!
Okay plan B! we hit those afterburners and try to outrun them! with anyluck we will finish our scans and get the hell out there!
The Squids get reinforcements - Rep 5 Stingray medium fighters you dont want to mess with these guys, The patrol will try to outrun them hit navpoints and get the hell out of there. Both Stingrays and Alliance hit burners with patrol and headed to NAV Point one. The Alliance meet second waypoint but the squids reorganised and form large group with bombers ready to cut them at navpoint in sector 4.
Additional Contacts! IFF confirmed hostiles! Bearing 872/54
Damn it! Spectre we are pulling out!
But we can reach Navpoint III!
Negative Spectre! they will caught there and we will shot space dust from every direction!
engage those jump drives!
Again squids got reinforcements another Stingray flight this time piloted by rookies but still force to be reckon with. The Archangel knew if he caught him in the middle the party will over so he decided to abandon mission and surviving is part of battle eh?
I hope you enjoy the report and see you soon in second mission of Operation Blackburn......
here are some bonus photos of the game
To regain situation Terran command order to start Operation Blackburn sending battlegroup into the area and deal with Thr´engi threat. You will be following story of young 1st Lt. Sean Cedric "Archangel" and his wingmen Tori "Spectre" Sanders.
Since start of operation ANS Gettysburg launched various patrols but without any activity but that is soon to begun change.
The Mission started as rutine patrol, with PEF in sector 4.4 and 2 and Patrol nav points in sector 2,4,6 so far it should be cakewalk. At start of game PEF (2 and 4) moves 4" forward. Alliance Flight moved little forward but PEF tried to bunch up so Archangel decided they will break right and try to outrun them.
Got multiple readings!
Roger that, i see em we will break right and if we are lucky we can outrun them complete mission and RTB!
Changing course......
First PEF was resovolved as ghost siginal with good intel, but second was flight of Remora fighters and patrol run into 3rd PEF which was Manta interceptors. The Patrol Launched 2 FF missles first almost hit enemy flight patrol leader but he managed to launch decoy but still his engines was damaged. However 2nd Fighter targeted by Spectre hit it mark with full efect, the cockpit was annihilated by strike, which even the odds.
The Archangel and Spectre moves in to engage Squid patrol and separeted the flight so they can engage them one by one, Archangel opened up on fighter destroying his guns and engines which ruptured into one big plasmaball.
The Remaing squid decided to make stand instead of running, there was also no point the Alliance fighters are faster and they will catch him and shoot him down. He launched both his FF missles on Archangel but luckily Archangel launch his decoys and evades both missles.
Archangel again engaged enemy fighter in deadly combat, performing high-energy yo-yo he end up at the side of manta and engaged him with his mass drivers ripping him appart.
Real smooth kill there, Archangel!
Yeah lets pop up those bombers and...
New contacts! bearing 232/74 they are right behind us!
Okay plan B! we hit those afterburners and try to outrun them! with anyluck we will finish our scans and get the hell out there!
The Squids get reinforcements - Rep 5 Stingray medium fighters you dont want to mess with these guys, The patrol will try to outrun them hit navpoints and get the hell out of there. Both Stingrays and Alliance hit burners with patrol and headed to NAV Point one. The Alliance meet second waypoint but the squids reorganised and form large group with bombers ready to cut them at navpoint in sector 4.
Additional Contacts! IFF confirmed hostiles! Bearing 872/54
Damn it! Spectre we are pulling out!
But we can reach Navpoint III!
Negative Spectre! they will caught there and we will shot space dust from every direction!
engage those jump drives!
Again squids got reinforcements another Stingray flight this time piloted by rookies but still force to be reckon with. The Archangel knew if he caught him in the middle the party will over so he decided to abandon mission and surviving is part of battle eh?
I hope you enjoy the report and see you soon in second mission of Operation Blackburn......
here are some bonus photos of the game
středa 16. března 2016
5150 Fighter Command: Hunter Hunted
It was quite time i played game Fighter Command and i said its time to put those fighters from EM4 into use! For game i used one of RPG setting set in universe where Humans are in war with mysterious race of Hecate. And Humanity is losing .
"This is Alpha flight, we are near field. Wait a minute picking up three contacts but they field interference is to high"
"Concordia actual to Alpha Flight, roger that proceed with caution"
The scenario was typical patrol that could and most cases will run wrong but this time for Flight leader Archer and his wingman Stilleto they have pure luck - they run into flight of heavy fighters, Corvette and two bombers but they managed to destroy them before they got organised. here its how the Patrol went.
Navpoints were generated in sector 6,5,2 and PEF in sectors 6,2,1. Lt. Archer was REP 5 star with expert gunner trait while Stilleto his wingman had REP 4.
The Contacts moved forward 4" only the that in sector 2 was not moving but Alliance patrol pushed forward.
"Archer did you see it?"
"Yeah, another party crushers arrived it seems or another ghost signal of this damned graveyard....."
Next turn another PEF appeared the situation started not seem good for Alliance patrol. All PEF moved forward. And the First one was now in sensor range.
"Contact! two boogies! two medium fighters closing in"
"Stiletto! Break and engage! Fox 1!"
"Roger! Fox 1!"
"Damn! He launching decoys miss! Hell yeah direct hit! what that bugger still live?"
Alpha 1 and 2 launched their FF missle to quickly dispatch hostiles, but first missle miss and second damaged hull and threw first Hecate medium fighter from course giving time to Alliance fighters close in. Archer and Stilleto opened deadly fire quickly dispatching both fighters.
Then they continued towards the first Navpoint.
Two PEF now in sensor range it really start looking bad.
"I got some ghost here, yeah confirmed first siginal was ghos...."
"Hell homing on second blip! its big ! indentification confrimed its Hecate Corvette!"
"Concordia! This Alpha were are in trouble! We just discovered enemy Corvette hiding in field"
"No use they jamming us!"
While first signal gone, the second was capital ship but it was facing opposite direction so our brave team tried to dispatch it with remaing two FF missles, both struck hit and obliterated corvette engines ripping it apart. Plain dumb luck if you ask me. And Patrol closed in on last PEF to make sure that area is clear. PEF was two bombers and team wanted to quickly bring them down. The first bomber tried Yaw reversal but failed and that propably saved his life.
The second bomber was smashed by Archers fire, but second was out of range of Stilleto guns. So he tried to make run for it but he cannot out run Alliance light fighters which blew him out of sky. In next turn Alliance flight arrived on battlefield riding two medium fighters after that all patrol was nice quiet and pilots returned for some meal.
As Always the game was nice and full of suprises corvette was pretty nasty if missles wont strike home i could be in some serious trouble but nice work Alpha flight!

"Concordia actual to Alpha Flight, roger that proceed with caution"
The scenario was typical patrol that could and most cases will run wrong but this time for Flight leader Archer and his wingman Stilleto they have pure luck - they run into flight of heavy fighters, Corvette and two bombers but they managed to destroy them before they got organised. here its how the Patrol went.
Navpoints were generated in sector 6,5,2 and PEF in sectors 6,2,1. Lt. Archer was REP 5 star with expert gunner trait while Stilleto his wingman had REP 4.
The Contacts moved forward 4" only the that in sector 2 was not moving but Alliance patrol pushed forward.
"Archer did you see it?"
"Yeah, another party crushers arrived it seems or another ghost signal of this damned graveyard....."
Next turn another PEF appeared the situation started not seem good for Alliance patrol. All PEF moved forward. And the First one was now in sensor range.
"Contact! two boogies! two medium fighters closing in"
"Stiletto! Break and engage! Fox 1!"
"Roger! Fox 1!"
"Damn! He launching decoys miss! Hell yeah direct hit! what that bugger still live?"
Alpha 1 and 2 launched their FF missle to quickly dispatch hostiles, but first missle miss and second damaged hull and threw first Hecate medium fighter from course giving time to Alliance fighters close in. Archer and Stilleto opened deadly fire quickly dispatching both fighters.
Then they continued towards the first Navpoint.
Two PEF now in sensor range it really start looking bad.
"I got some ghost here, yeah confirmed first siginal was ghos...."
"Hell homing on second blip! its big ! indentification confrimed its Hecate Corvette!"
"Concordia! This Alpha were are in trouble! We just discovered enemy Corvette hiding in field"
"No use they jamming us!"
While first signal gone, the second was capital ship but it was facing opposite direction so our brave team tried to dispatch it with remaing two FF missles, both struck hit and obliterated corvette engines ripping it apart. Plain dumb luck if you ask me. And Patrol closed in on last PEF to make sure that area is clear. PEF was two bombers and team wanted to quickly bring them down. The first bomber tried Yaw reversal but failed and that propably saved his life.
The second bomber was smashed by Archers fire, but second was out of range of Stilleto guns. So he tried to make run for it but he cannot out run Alliance light fighters which blew him out of sky. In next turn Alliance flight arrived on battlefield riding two medium fighters after that all patrol was nice quiet and pilots returned for some meal.
As Always the game was nice and full of suprises corvette was pretty nasty if missles wont strike home i could be in some serious trouble but nice work Alpha flight!
neděle 13. března 2016
5Core Company Commander - scifi expansion
Pico armor and Plasmablast tanks painted by ANA PAULA DA SILVA,
play in 6mm or 15mm the CC offers unique gaming experience. I reviewed CC long time ago but for solo gaming it is excelent now lets take a look onto Scifi expansion set.
You can find original review of Company Commander here
The expansion have 23 pages and includes various rules for sci-fi including diference of tech levels, Walkers, bugs, various tech gadgets like Drop pods, Power armours, Grav tanks and many many more. We will take a look on these in details.
There are new armour and gun system which is optional but very working. Gun are trated in category 1-5 and armour have rating 1-6. and if you compare them while shooting you will knew if shot was threating, kill or overkill.
Then its described how you can design Alien race or another non-human company. Then there 4 tech levels for your force - more higher the more effective your force will be durning shooting and assault. Also two tech are introduced AI Assisted Network and Data/Comm links. Assisted network while it is active grants +1 activation however if your enemy have also network it can bring your net down. Comm links grants you ability to change once per game scurry or firefight into normal turn sequence.
In next chapter of PDF new scifi units are introduced. Here you will find rules for following:
- AI units
- Assault suits (Think of Heavy Gear or suits from Frontline mission)
- Berserkers (Units which when facing heavy fire instead of pulling out they close on your forces ideal for GZG Kra´vak if you ask me)
- Bugs (Bugs are different beasts than berserkers they have their own turn sequence and can quickly raise their numbers, it include rules for big and shooty bugs ideal for Starship troopers scenarios
- Buildings destruction rules
- Drop Troops (units capable jumping right into battle using droppods, teleports and other means)
- Grav Tanks
- Jump troops (units equipped with jump packs, various leaping creatures and so on.)
- Powered armour troops
- Stealth Units (Units equipped with cloaking fields or similiar masking abilities
- Super Soldiers
- Walkers
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Pendraken and GZG bugs painted by Wayne Olivant |
Next chapter is meant for supersized units - big mechs, superheavy tanks and alien monsters, they are more difficult to bring down and are great for some specific scenarios. They are followed by new weapons to add flavor to your force.
- Active Defense systems which allows negate enemy shots
- Devastator Weapons capable of hitting area instead of one unit
- Drone Weapons which affects vehicle morale that came into proximity
- Energy Weapons which are highly effective againts enemy armor but no harm to infantry
- Firestorm Weapons which allows reroll
- Hightech targeting systems they allow shoot and fire
- Incidental Anti tank fire portable AT weapons for infantry units
- Orbital fire Every one loves them!
- Superpenetrators Heavy railguns capable of destroying infantry and vehicles in straight line.
Game includes also number of new specialists
- Hackers capable of disable enemy vehicles for a turn or even until end of the game
- Psionics allows player to activate more units, and are fearsome enemies in assault
- Sentry Guns
- Support Walker Close combat walker think of dreadnoughts from GW universe
- War Champion - Close Combat heroes known from space operas and scifi fantasy genre
Last chapter are Weasels favorite generators every his game must contain random generators in here you can roll to see who fighting who, why, when and where
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Miniatures are DRM Infantry and vehicles painted by Piers from Guild |
The bright side of this expansion is price while it not bring us nothing we havent seen before it cost three dollars which is price you almost cant beat. If you have 5core Company Commander and you like scifi then Scifi expansion is must.
All pics in this article are used without permission of their authors.
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