úterý 22. října 2024

Operation Amber Watch - Asymmetric warfare battle report

 For quite a long time i wanted to tried Spectre operations and Spectre Operations 2nd edition and even i owned miniatures and rules i never quite conviced anybody to play it. That changed this year when we started playing INX and SO3. But i still wanted to try old Spectre ops or its newest incarnation. All that being said i read the rulebook and prepeared scenario. By that time we decided to play AW i had on mine painting desk two sets of model - more russian PMCs and Ground Branch Operators as i lacked US tier one element.

So we decide to run mission where Ground branch will be escorting VIP and in movie style they must leave before they i swarmed by enemies. So lets jump into briefing and then to the game itself

Abkhaz-Georgian border 2024
Your team has been sent to Abkhazia to pick up Russian scientist Minkovski Lavrentiy Fyodorovich one of the leading members working on the Manticore project. During the extraction, however, there was a clash with pro-Russian forces, and during the pursuit the escape vehicle was disabled. 
The US Army QRF is approaching the border but due to the nature of the situation they cannot cross the border. Your mission is to get Fyodorovich to the Georgian side of the border. ISTAR shows that your position is approached by Abkhazian troops but also by Russian Federation forces, there are no heavy armoured units in the area yet speed will be the key, as soon as they discover your position they will direct all available CSTO units there. 
The Reaper drone moves into position to provide support against any light armour that may appear on the battlefield.

The Game
The Team infilitrated area and escorted scientist through old trainyard avoiding Abkhazian patrols in area until some patrols bunch out around the border crossing. In that moment Fay give order „light´em up“ Grizzly answared light´em up!. The Saw and Carabines started barking and Abkhazian troops started falling down, however it wasnt enough and alarm was raised up.

In that moment GAZ Tigr and foot team of FSB troops entered the battle space. Team now locked up between Border guards and FSB in GAZ on flank decide to push through. Caught in open the fay was struck by deadly AK-fire. While Grizzly was hit by MMG fire from TIGR. 

Now to surviving members start to performing withdrawl using bounding overwatch tactic. The GAZ TIGR now must flank around the buildings and was hit by missle from Predator drone, the vehicle survived the blast but crashed into building and then exploded in burst of flames. Two Abkhazian squads entered the area and sporadicaly fired into SAC operatives but they managed safely withdraw with scientist from area.

We played for the first time so some rules were played wrong but that is always, but overall we had great time, the game was quick and intense, the rules are solid. Now normally i am not fan of IGOYGO systems but here it work perfectly, you have chance the prepare to the enemy even by move deploying smoke screens etc. The game itself looks on paper were heavy but when you actually play it you realize how easy the basic system is which is fantastic.

On other hand we will be playing the Spectre Operations 3 game soon so will we be trying to compare those both system and then i will wrote article about it.

Here are some more photos from game

sobota 28. září 2024

INXcountry narrative game - Clash in Adjakistan

-This is Hunter 2-1 for Crossroads, we are moving towards objective ETA 1 mike.

-This is Crossroads be advised substential enemy forces moving towards Kiritlar, expect contact with enemy in few minutes. ISTAR shows enemy mechanised unit also moving into area. CAP unit Raptor 2 moving onto station and will be availible in few mikes.

After very long time we played some INX we consider it good and solid system, and while its not as detailed as Spectre Operations or Asymmetric Warfare the games are fast and brutal. The scenario was pretty simple seize ground - 4 objectives on table 12" from center. When both Russians and US hold objective random was is removed - who controls more objectives win. We also have special rules after this happens both player rolls D3 after how many turns their support arrive. The Russian had Alpha Group Squad in BTR while Americans had F18 on station. We simulated airstrike by giving it two missle launchers, firing on normal or hard grip and needing to mark target by smoke otherwise random unit on table will be selected.

But now to the forces: US forces fielded 3 Ranger assault teams and Support element with AT4. 
Russian forces controlled by me forced 2 Wagner Wannabe teams, Alpha Group Team and Alpha Group specialists with RPG.

Both forces advanced to center of table in hoping to secure the village with both players making use of cover so two turns without single gunshot.

Automatic fire pierced air along with loud shouts from nearby woods Тревога! Американская пехота! Огонь! Огонь!. Pvt Mays was knocked down by enemy fire while bullets were drumming on the wreckage of the vehicle from which the squad was taking cover. Meanwhile, Sgt Peterson rose from cover and barked the order - RETURN FIRE!

US forces now secured both objectives on their side of table but first Wagner team established firing position in small wood targeting Ranger team taking cover behind vehicle and struck down one ranger and pinning down the team. After some maneovering both sides now holding objectives the one on the Russians was removed chaning score from 2:2 to 2:1 in benefit of US.

Russian had no chance but to push towards US Rangers in order to win. Second Wagner team deployed smoke in order to cover their advance in center of board. The other wagner squad was still firing on Ranger team behind the wreckage and killing another US Ranger.

Alpha group squad tried to push through buildings on left trying to flushout Dugin Rangers and met with counterattacking Ranger squad where brutal CQB ensued . The Americans althought with heavy losses managed to almost wipeout Alpha Group unit.

The US Air support arrived on station and BTR was still turn away but we run out of real time and called it a day as US victory.

INX is great system for ultramodern skrimish, it is easy, have very good flow, and its enjoyable ofcourse if you want to add support you must come up with your own house rules but still you can beat the price - its free. Unfortunatly you cant get this rules from Enemy spotted studios shop but it is availible with all addons on their discord.


pondělí 8. dubna 2024

Warcradle Augusta Industrial Set review

Since i decided to reboot my Ultramoderns colection, i knew i needed some new terrain as my terrain colection consisted of few MDF Arabic mudhouses from GCLegacy files and GF9 walls. I was looking for something different and found out that Warcradle studios namely their Scenics "division" make good, cheap and prepainted terrain for their Wild West Exodus game and few others. There are few of their range that can fit into ultramoderns i give it a try. 


I ordered Augusta Industrial Set which is kinda Industrial you can use it for various settings i could image akin buildings in Africa, Europe, Asia and of course in America, so pretty versatile set and for the price? The set costs 110 british pounds and for that price 6 (7 if you in account train platform) buildings, lots of tracks, 4 railroad wagons, some fences and random scatter (boxes, carts, bins) so kinda big load.

So what you got in pack - big Warehouse with dimensions 17x27,5x17,5 cm big building you got some interior and you can easily fit vehicle, tank or IFV inside. You have three entry points - two big doors on ground level and one in 1st floor.You also have destructed version of same building unfortunatly i dont have that one finished.


Second one is Factory with dimensions 18,5x14,5x12,5 a two floor building again with stairs so you can occupy some high ground and two doors to enter the building again you have two version of building - whole and destroyed. two entry points on ground floor.

Next is so called  Abandoned Station consisting of some tracks two wagons but also one building on platform and roofed platform. some platform itself have 21x13cm and trainyard building have dimensions 17,5x7,5x8,5cm with two doors. two cabin wagon have dimensions 25x5,5x9,5 cm and cargo wagon have dimension 25x5,5x6 cm 


Last building is water towe r which i planning to give to my friend so it isnt assembled, so i didnt included it here either.


So now the kit itself is very high quality, while it contain many pieces in the end its i would say it isnt hard to assemble this stuff, few pieces are little fiddly but overall sturdy kits. What is great about the buildings are that all door can be made openable so got for breaching situations. While i use them on my 6x4 table if you are playing INX, Spectre or something that is played on smaller say 3x3 table you have full table set up in no time. If you take in a account the price this set is amazing for the price tag.


Also i have plans for getting other stuff - namely Normandy Farm, Buckhorn Ranch, Dunsmouth Shops, Market and scatter but also Retribution barracks. The stuff is good and fit ultramoderns very well so if you looking for cheap and good looking terrain which you complete in few hours look no futher

Spectre Operations V3 first game clash between Russians and US in Adjikistan


About two weeks ago we firstly tried Spectre Operations V3 no fancy stuff just good old fashioned shoot out between US Tier 2 Special forces task force consisting of two full kited fireteams (2xRifle, Rifle with UGL, LMG) Suported by one LMG Team, and Marksman team. They were facing Russian forces - One 4 man tier one SSO team with LMG, Two-man Support SSO Tier one team with RPG and Rifles and finally two enlisted 4-man elements each with rifles, UGL and assault SAW. The scenario was direct engagement but to keep simple we dont use any escalations or unaware stuff, just two patrols/ recon units bouncing into each other.


I set up table - small village somewhere in Ajikistan and we rolled off who will be attacker, the dices decided that US will be attacker. The Us Deployed in almost line, with one team on left flank, i did line too waiting for opportunity to counter attack in right moment.


US force fire team starting advancing toward the road in the centre of table but was cought underfire by my SSO fireteam quicklly and pinned them. rest of their forces advanced. i tried to attack with one of enlisted teams to break enemy left but was repulsed. In few next turns i started to tighten grip around the pinned fireteam while also trying to breakthrough on left an encircle the troops in village. In last turn i manage that - i wipe out the flanking team, and LMG support team, and encircled second fireteam now taking refuge in the building, while i took some casualties it was as serious - Americans were mauled pretty badly - so the game was victory for Russians.

About Spectre V3, its whole different game from previous incarnations i bought the book because I have all previous incarnations (and even bought Asymetrical Warfare) althought i never played any previous editions. They always seemed too bulky and rules heavy to convice anyone to play with me. But I ordered SO3 anyway mainly to support Spectre Miniatures because ordering physical miniatures is with delivery and VAT and so on kinda pricey.

But to be honest i was suprised by SO3 the rules are quick and also kinda easy but offer even if you good tactical play even if you play meeting action without any extra rules like escalations (support you can request), vehicles or stealth. Its momentum your units generate and you use for actions and reactions. Should you press attack and use all your momentum? you then can face counter attack if enemy had enough momentum but you spend your momentum and you cannot react now. Your unit is cover and you are facing overwhelming firepower do you stay in cover and risk to be pinned down or do you withdraw somewhere else?

 Thanks to system actions and reactions the give is full action and both players are involved all the time.In future i will certainly make complex review of the rules with all the fancy stuff but for now there is some first thoughts in previous article. I understand the rulebook isnt cheap and there are lot of other options from mentioned Asymetric Warfare, INX, NextWar or even some older systems like Skrimish Sangin, Force on Force or perhaps Contact Front.


But If you are looking for something on borderline with being easy to grasp and kinda what seems to be realistic portrail of modern warfare Spectre V3 could be system for you

pondělí 4. března 2024

Spectre Operations V3 - první dojmy


Spectre Operations, je skrimishová hra z prostřední moderních konfliktu. Spectre Operations v3 sice nese název jako předchozí dvě edice, avšak pokud jste hrali předchozí zjistite že kromě zasazení do moderních válek tu není podobné vůbec nic - dokonce autor kterým je Stephan May (relativně znamý sculptor který dělal miniatury nejen pro GW/FW ale taky třeba pro Perry Miniatures.

Ale zpět k Spectre Operations.  Je třeba uvést na pravou míru co stalo Matt Adams který psal pravidla pro Spectre Miniatures se z touto firmou rozešel a rozhodl se vydat pravidla Asymmetric Warfare což je vlastně upravená předchozí edice. Stephan May se tedy rozhodl že vytvoří vlastní verzi pravidel a šel na to pěkné od píky a jak se mu to povedlo?


Dobře začneme pěkné od začatku, Spectre Operations využívá systém IGOYGO a D10 kostky, s tím že zde funguje Momentum systém, a co to vlastně je? vaše jednotky generují 2 momentum pointy do momentum poolu. Tyto body používáte k tomu aby vaše jednotky provedli nějakou akci nebo reakci. Jednotkám mužete dát více rozkazů a nebo mužete momentům body použit k tomu aby akce byla nějakým způsobem efektivnější ale je za to daň - napřiklad pokud bude střílet mužete použit momentum bod aby jste měli více vystřelu ale vaše přesnost se sniží, nebo pokud dáte rozkaz k přesunu a vylepšíte ho tak se sice jednotka pohne dvakrát (nebo víckrat v zavislosti kolik použijete momentum bodu) ale každy pohyb navíc bude menší a menší. Do pool však nepříspívají jednotky které jsou pinned nebo ustupují z bojiště.


Akce které mužete provadět:

Manoever: pohyb

Engagement: střelba mužete při ní použit i granáty atp.

Fire support: ke střelbě se přídá jiný zpřátelený tým/družstvo vyhoda že reakční střelba muže cílit jenom jednotku která vyhlasila engagement (nemuže cílít tým který dostal fire support rozkaz) - tento rozkaz mohou použit jenom trained jednotky - milice, kriminalnici atp. toto nezvladnou

Take aim: jednotka zkusí zamiřit a zlepší tim své šance na zásah nepřítele

Assault: zautočit zblízka

Rally: jednotka se zkusí odbourat svůj stres, aby mohla lépe skladat testy morálky - respektivě stress testy

Regroup: se používá pokud jednotka ztratila koherenci aby se opět sjednotila

Go to Ground:  jednotka zalehne a je obtížnější ji trefit

Breach: vyražení dveří - běžně se nepoužívá ale mohou být hry kdy budete čistit baráky.

Embarark/Disembark: nastoupení/vystoupení z vozidel

Capture: pokusit se zajmout nepřátelskou jednotku

Dale mužete pokud teda máte trained jednotky použit composition actions- kompozitní akce což jsou vlastně dva rozkazy v sobě:

Breach and clear :prolomení dvěří a vhození granátu a nasledný vstup

Bounding fire: polovina jednotky se hýbe a druha polovina střílí, a pak se prostřídají

Nakonec tu máme reakce :

Return fire!: po té co protivník dostřílel a byla vyhodnocena střelba muže jednotka opětovat střelbu na jednotku s postihem na balistiku.

Snap fire: pokud se protivník pohne do vašeho LoS tak mužete na něj vystřelit ale použivate trochu jiný atribut - awarness který bývá obtížné hodit.

Dvě další reakce mohou použít pouze trained jednotky

Go to ground: po té co protivník hodil na zasah se jednotka muže rozhodnout že zalehne a zvyší tím svuj "save"

Break contact: po každé střelbě musí jednotka skládat stress test a tato reakce to umí obejít - jednotka se stahne dál od nepřítele než původně byla ale nemusí skladat stress test

Zajímavým konceptem je eskalace - vlastně čím huř vám to jde tím více kostek dostanete možnost hodit na escalation tabulce - a v připadě uspěchu dostane  možnost použít tzv. assety - drony, letecké údery, posily atp. samozřejmě musí být součastí vaší force.

Typy jednotek

Jednotky se dělí jak už bylo napsáno do dvou typu trained a untrained. To ovlivnuje nejen jejich koherenci (trained mají 5" a untrained 3") ale také i jinou tabulku na kterých skladají stress testy zatím co pro Milice a civilisty bývají dost špatné ať už se hodí prakticky cokoliv, trained jednotky většinou jsou schopné i pár testů ustát.

Pěší modely mají 4 statistiky

Movement: která určuje pohyb v palcích

Ballistics: jak dobře daný model střílí

Awarness: save jednotky, používá se také při reakcí snap fire, muže být snížen rozkazy nebo terénem napřiklad zeď kterou využívá jako kryt.

Stress: morálka jednotky muže se zvyšit nebo snížit v zavislosti na rozkazech nebo tomu jak je vystavena nepřátelské střelbě - čim vyšší je tím hůře se pak skládají připadne testy morálky. stress také používá během CQB tedy střelby která se odehrává do 6"

Střelba Zbraně a vybavení

 Střelba probíha velice jednoduše hazíte 1D10 za každý model + připadne další kostky za momentum pointy a musite hodit stejně nebo více než je ballistics modelu, toto cílové číslo ještě ovlivnuje pár modifikátorů - napřiklad jestli se model použil maneover akci, jestli střílí na stejnou jednotku jako minulé kolo atp. pokud je cíl zasažen hazí si cíl na awarness, prostě save. pokud i tak je cíl zasažen hazí se na lethality zbraně (číslo muže byt sniženo když cíl je vybaven neprůstřelnou vestou pokud se nejedná o průraznou zbraň) pokud je test úspěšný je model odstraněn ze hry, pokud ne tak jednotka získavá +1 k stress atributu.

Hra má nepospočet zbraní kterými mužete vybavat své vojáky ale i vozidla. Od pistoly přes DMR, granáty, až po raketomety, anti-dronové systémy a miniguny.

každá zbraň má tři různé range ve kterých muže palit - ty se u každé zbraně mohou lišit - 4 základní atributy - dostřel, modifikator balistiky (+ nebo mínus ovlivnuje cílové číslo při střelbě), lethalitu tedy číslo které musíte hodit aby protivník musel hazet save a AP neboli protipancéřova hodnota. dále nějaké special rules - napřiklad MK18 a podobné zbraně vám umožní střílet po vystoupení z vozidla, zbraně, DMR vám zase umožní vybrat cíl který byl zasažen atd.

Vybavení najdete také nepřeberné množství, od štítu, ruzné respiratory, exoskelety, neprustřelné vesty až po IED, Breaching tools, psy nebo různé stimulanty.


Hra obsahuje vozidla ale ty pravidla přiliš nekomplikují a obsaženy jsou takové ty standartní které by jste mohli potřebovat tzn. různé technicaly, civilní vozidla, Bear caty, MRAPy ale i APCečka a tanky.

poslední častí pravidel jsou pak pokročila pravidla, obsahující pravidla pro noční boj, infiltraci bojiště, civilisty, covert operace a v neposlední řadě i riziková prostředí a detailnější pravidla pro řešení zasažených modelů.

Následuje další kapitola a ta mě osobně dost zaskočila nečekal jsem jí ale byl jsem překvapen příjemně. Force buildery jsou defakt armylisty, nebo ne to není uplně přesné - ale stavíte v nich jednotlivé elementy čili jednotky - kolik stojí requisition pointu, co si mohou vzít, kolik jich je minimalně a maximalně v jednotce atp. Většinou v těchto hrách body nebývají ale tohle važně získá plusové body ne vždycky když se na to téma dostante s hrači s jiných her bývá to problém tohle je super.


naleznete zde 5 základních scénařu + bonusový operace vagabond (ve kterém se specialní jednotky či VBSS snaží obsadit nákladní loď kterou unesli teroristé. Konec knihy uzavírá krátka kapitola jak hrát  SO kampaně.

 Obecně lze řict že nové Spectre Ops jsou lépe napsané, jednoduché herní mechaniky, jako oba hrači integralně jednají během kola pomocí momentum systému, obsahlé armoury, ale i force buildery a basic generic scénaře dělají dle mě ze Spectre Ops, lepší a přístupnější hru co je však blbé že PDF dost
anete pouze v připadě že si koupité fyzickou knihu což je docela škoda. Pokud ovšem si pravidla pořidíte dostaváte relativně kompaktní a zaroveň komplexní pravidla pro boj na ultramoderních bojištích.